Tomorrow Academy

Image creation with Midjourney - Advanced
2x half-day online workshop

Coming soon

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Understanding and using generative AI

Workshop "Midjourney Deep Dive"

Midjourney - expand your professional skill set

Dive deeper into Midjourney with our advanced workshop tailored for users who have foundational experience but wish to explore sophisticated techniques — and make beautiful art!

Have you already taken your first steps with Midjourney and have some basic knowledge? But the results are no longer enough for you - you want to expand your skills, find more individual styles and explore more sophisticated techniques? And of course, above all, create great customised output - or even art?

Then this workshop is the right place for you.

Because it's all about nuanced control and innovative approaches.

What exactly do we do in the workshop?

  • Photography and Art Vocabulary: Expand your descriptive capabilities to achieve more accurate and detailed results.
  • Inspiration & Prompts: Strategies to find and create prompts that lead to unique and engaging art.
  • Advanced Prompting Techniques: Techniques to control the output more finely, including style and thematic consistency.
  • Concepting with Midjourney: Processes for finding looks, styles, concepts, moodboards, storyboard, to then use in production 
  • Parameters and Settings: Deep dive into Midjourney's adjustable parameters for enhanced customization.
  • Creating Your Own Styling: Techniques for developing a signature style within Midjourney's framework.
  • Consistent Characters: Methods to achieve character consistency across different prompts and projects.
  • Copyright and Ethics: A brief overview to ensure your creative pursuits are ethically sound and copyright compliant.

The seminar language is English.

Workshop format

The seminar language is English.

This workshop is offered exclusively as an online workshop. It is not a webinar, but an interactive session in which the focus is on working and practising together. An approx. 30-minute technical onboarding with Miro will take place a few days before the workshop.

An OpenAI ChatGPT Plus membership and access to the paid version of Midjourney is required to participate.


  • 2x half-day online workshop
  • Comprehensive seminar documentation
  • Certificate of participation
  • Access to the Tomorrow Academy Community


Tony Jones

Contact person

Do you have questions about the seminar?
Anja Abicht
+43 699 1997 1600

Key Learnings

Which questions are in focus?


Prompting 2.0

Learn advanced prompting techniques to precisely guide your creative outputs.


Train prior knowledge

Explore extensive image vocabulary for richer, more detailed creations.


Individual output

Master Midjourney's parameters and settings for customized results.


You are special!

Develop unique styling and maintain consistency in characters across projects.


Can I do that?

Gain insights into copyright and ethics to navigate creative work responsibly.


Wem nützt dieses Seminar am meisten?

Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Personen, die grundlegende Erfahrungen mit Midjourney haben und ihre Fähigkeiten weiter ausbauen möchten.

  • Kreative, DesignerInnen und EnthusiastInnen

    die ihre Arbeit mit nuancierter Kontrolle und innovativen Ansätzen verfeinern möchten

  • alle anderen

    die in der Bilderstellung mit generativer AI neue Möglichkeiten für sich und ihre spezifischen Anwendungsfelder sehen und einen Schritt weiter in Richtung Professionalisierung gehen wollen

Tomorrow Academy


Tomorrow Academy Vortragender

Tony Jones

Creative Director, Writer, AI Prompter, New York


Über Tony Jones

Tony ist Freelance Creative Director und kann auf mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung bei MRM McCann zurückblicken, zuletzt als Senior Vice President und Creative Lead der McCann Worldgroup.

Er hat mit seiner kreativen Arbeit Cannes Lions, Clio Awards, Webbys und viele andere Preise gewonnen und hält mehrere US-Patente als eingetragener Erfinder. 

Aktuell beschäftigt er sich intensiv mit generativer AI und ist im Schreiben von erfolgreichen Prompts schwer zu schlagen - außer vielleicht von einer AI ;)

Tomorrow Academy

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